Monday, July 17, 2017

Pearled Barley with veggies and sweet potatoes with parmensan cheese

Cook 1/4 of cup pearled barley in 1 cup of water 12-13 minutes, meanwhile while the barley is cooking heat up veggies in dry saute pan for a 5-6 minutes over medium heat or until just tender (poke them with a fork and then give a little bit). Then cook sweet potato (first poke holes all over the sweet potato) for 7 minutes it should be still little firm, peel off the skin and chop into small cubes. Put sweet potatoes on the bottom the bowl then then veggies and then cooked barley. Put a 1 tbsp of Parmesan cheese on top and enjoy!

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Pearled Barley with veggies and sweet potatoes with parmensan cheese